Unfortunately this month we lost a good friend when
Ross McConnell, a regular participant at our meetings and former committee member passed away. He contributed significantly to the community through his work with the Scouts, rotary and the TCC. He will be well remembered.
Re the committee
* Community, Health and Education Committee looking at
o Taryn will talk later about her work with other organisations to set up a Street Market/Fair later in the year, and
o where we are at with Establishing the inaugural Tuggeranong Community Council Community Service award to recognise a person or group who lives or works in Tuggeranong and has contributed significantly to Tuggeranong and/or the ACT Community.
* Environment Committee
o Conor Shikara from the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts will report of Cleanup Australia Lake Clean-up held last Sunday 4 March
* Planning Sub committee – Hamish will talk later about various planning issues in Tuggeranong, particularly height issues
o Continuing work on looking at the possibility of establishing an Environment Sporting Precinct at West Greenway
* Youth Engagement Sub Committee
o Connor McNaught from Chisholm High School and our Youth engagement committee will talk about the Youth Forum, being held this Thursday 8th March. In this we are supported by Communities@Work and the YWCA Canberra
Other meetings/activities I have been involved with include:
* Wrote a letter to Cathy from Oxley residents about various people she could talk to about her issues
* Meet Professor Frater from the UNSW re new campus for Canberra at Reid
* Erindale Expo – Wayne and I attended and talked to students about the Council and the TCC Youth Engagement Sub Committee
* Climate Change meeting
* Meeting with Hamish about the of Laneway in front of Hyperdome
* Helping organise the Lake Cleanup
* Attended the 1st of Evoenergy reference council meeting (look after poles and wires and infrastructure) – renamed to distinguish it from ACTEW Retail
* Youth Engagement meeting
The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 3rd April at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we hope to hear the latest the proposed buses services in Tuggeranong (deferred from this meeting and possibly hear the latest from the Waste Feasibility Study held her in the in the ACT.