"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Category: <span>Recent News</span>

Tuggeranong Community Council supports Lake Tuggeranong Clean-up on Sunday 19th November, 2023

Tuggeranong Lake Carers with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council, the Southern ACT Catchment Group and the Tuggeranong Sea Scouts are organising a Clean-up of Lake Tuggeranong on Sunday the 19th November, from 10am to 1pm. Starting at the Sea Scout Hall on Mortimer …

Wood Heaters and Woodsmoke Pollution in Canberra – Tuggeranong Community Council Submission

Wood  heaters and woodsmoke pollution in Canberra has been a long term concern for the people of Tuggeranong, where our ‘inversion layer’ means wood smoke ‘hangs around” and does not dissipate into the atmosphere, often having adverse impact on some people in our community eg …

Community Consultation about the proposed new Materials Recalling and Food Organics and Green Organics Facilities in Hume.

If you are interested and want to find out more about the proposed new Materials Recycling Facility and Food Organics and Green Organics (FOGO) facility for Hume please read the following information at https://www.cityservices.act.gov.au/Infrastructure-Projects/programs/waste-and-recycling-infrastructure/eis-for-new-processing-facilities Besides coming and talking to us and answering questions at out next …