On Wednesday 12 October 2016 the Western Greenway Community Panel met for the 4th time at the Town Centre Vikings Club. They concluded that “based on the information provided, the community panel is not convinced there is any priority for urban development in the western Greenway location.” When the draft western Greenway community panel outcomes report is finalised and distributed to panel members for confirmation it will be presented to the Minister for Planning post election. This fits in with the Tuggeranong Community Council Likeability Survey where the majority of people who responded were also against the West Greenway development.
So far we have over 337 responses to our Tuggeranong Livability Survey, but we will be closing it down at the end of October so if you have not filled in the survey please do so by going to our website on www.tuggcc.com. Information and suggestions from this survey will help the committee to decide on priorities for the future.
The Tuggeranong Lake Carers, with the support of the Tuggeranong Community Council and the Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG) organised a Spring Lake Tuggeranong Cleanup on Sunday the 23 October. Details about the success of the event will be in the next report.
Debate is happening about the plan to build a Plastic to Liquid fuel factory at Hume. In particular the nearby suburbs are very concerned over the possible safety aspects if this decision goes ahead. We will try to keep you informed about what is happening.
Our next Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) meeting will on the 1st November at the Vikings Tuggeranong Town Centre Club. The ACT Director of Roads will provide an update about what is happening with roads in Tuggeranong – what is planned and when it will happen. We will also hear from St Mary MacKillop students about what they want for Tuggeranong.