Dr Ralph Ogden of ACT Healthy Waterways will speak on programs to improve water quality in the Tuggeranong catchment by reversing concrete drains and restoring nature’s own water filters through the naturalisation of water courses and the recycling of runoff to irrigate green spaces.
Plans are available for the revitalisation of the Tuggeranong Town Centre Foreshore. The plans will be reviewed with the assistance of representatives of the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate. Do the designs meet community expectations? Have your say.
Town Centre, Vikings, Greenway commencing at 7:30pm. Please arrive a little early to complete club entry formalities.
Zoom registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtd-CtrzMsGNXU0Mz-KPMmy9r5QDxaFMQl