Next week on Wednesday afternoon, the 9 August (Week 4 Term 3) the Tuggeranong Community Council’s Youth Engagement Committee will be holding a forum to find out from the youth of Tuggeranong what they think, what they would like to find out, and have done about a series of topics relating to Tuggeranong. Feedback from this forum will then be incorporated into future TCC policies and directions.
Members of the Youth Engagement Committee have identified a number of topics of interest that they would like input on. These include: Housing, Job Seekers, Nightlife, Safety and Surveillance, Sport, Transport including Roads, Waste and Recycling
We have invited students from all high schools and colleges in Tuggeranong from years 8 to 12 to participate in this forum but if anyone else is interested in attending or want more information on the forum please ring 0431 235 970. I have also recently contacted the local CIT, the ANU and UCAN to see if they can circulate details of this forum to their students. This meeting will be held at the Tuggeranong Community Centre from 1.00pm to approximately 3.30pm.
Lunch will be provided by Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC).
The TCC with the support of the Hypedome is launching a petition to support out letter about re routing the buses from Anketell Street. I have copies tonight for hopefully all of you to sign and we will put it online. It states
“To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory
This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that we the Tuggeranong community seek have the buses removed from the café area of the Anketell Street/ Tuggeranong Town Centre to an alternate route of Reed St /Cowlishaw St/Pitman St via Lake Tuggeranong College. This will improve the social amenity of the café area, assist the government town centres revitalisation program, supports the transport strategy and light rail initiatives, will encourage small business start-ups in the area and the Hyperdome transformation, encourages bus patronage for school children as well as creating a healthier environment for outdoor dining.
Your petitioners therefore request that the Assembly call on the government to reroute buses from Anketell Street to Cowlishaw Street as requested.”
I have also this month written two letter to Minister Gentleman as Minister of Police and Emergency Services
• About the recent shooting in Kambah asking if police numbers and relevant legislation are adequate, and
• One about the recent ‘Bushfire Management: Balancing the Risks’ forum athat I attended. I was pleased to see what is happening here in the ACT re managing the risks. However I live in Western Kambah where in the 2003 fires 18 houses were lost. I feel strongly that we need as much advanced notice as possible re possible outbreaks and while I know we have a good liaison with NSW I ask that we can support their efforts in monitoring the areas surrounding the ACT.
We are also following up on the proposal to develop an Environmental Sporting Precinct at West Greenway. Interested groups are sending me list of their visions and all the various groups and organisations that currently use the various areas in West Greenway. I already have a two page list of organisations who use only some of the facilities. We are hoping to have our next broader stakeholder meeting later in August or early September.
Other meeting I have been involved with include:
• The regular bi monthly Environment and Planning Forum
• ACTewAGL information night
• Icon Water talking about their role her in the Act – I have asked them to talk at our next meeting
• Inservice on Governance
• ANU Climate Café
I would also like to show you a little of our website where our meetings and minutes are listed as well as items of interest to the Community.
Just a reminder that the September meeting will include our AGM. Please think about joining our committee. We are particularly in need of a new Treasurer and Secretary. If you want to find our more about it please talk to any of the current committee. Details about the AGM will be told later in the meeting.
The next meeting of the TCC will be held on the 5th September at the Tuggeranong Town Centre Club where we will hearing from Icon Water about their water responsibilities and pricing rationalisation and have an update about Southquay East We will follow this up with our AGM.
Acceptance of the report