Rusty’s experience is one shared by urban residents around the world, as indicated by the tragic e-mails I receive. It is difficult to understand how so many countries could walk into a problem that has been recognised for centuries. Apart from the human costs the cost to the health care system, to treat smoke related diseases, is enough to stress or even cripple any health-care system. I note that each day of a wood burning ban in the San Francisco Bay area saves the health care system $250,000. This is a sobering figure given that only 10% of the population burn wood to some degree. Alberta Director Canadian Clean Air Alliance
Rusty’s experience is one shared by urban residents around the world, as indicated by the tragic e-mails I receive. It is difficult to understand how so many countries could walk into a problem that has been recognised for centuries. Apart from the human costs the cost to the health care system, to treat smoke related diseases, is enough to stress or even cripple any health-care system. I note that each day of a wood burning ban in the San Francisco Bay area saves the health care system $250,000. This is a sobering figure given that only 10% of the population burn wood to some degree. Alberta Director Canadian Clean Air Alliance