"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the impacts on health of air quality in Australia 17 May 2013

Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the impacts on health of air quality in Australia 17 May 2013


The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) was among groups to give evidence before a government committee inquiring into air quality and public health. TCC Secretary, Darryl Johnston and TCC member, Rusty Woodward were among those to give evidence before the Senate Community Affairs Committee inquiry into the impact of air quality on public health. The Armidale Air Quality Group and the Australian Home Heating Association were among others to give evidence.


Copies of Mr Johnston’s opening address and statement by Ms Woodward are below.

Opening Address by Darryl Johnston

Statement by Rusty Woodward





  1. Murray May

    This is a very important contribution, in addressing a significant public health issue created by a small percentage of the population. The public health impacts and costs have been greatly underplayed and/or not understood by many, but more detailed study and analysis shows that the impacts and costs are large indeed. I support the sensible steps for helpful change being put forward by the TCC.

  2. Alan D

    I am surrounded by these smoking and stinking wood heaters. The smoke seeps into my house and affects my breathing. When I go outside I am constantly coughing and sneezing. I am unable to enjoy my own garden or backyard because of wood heaters continually spew out smoke. I do not suffer from heart or lung problems (yet) but all 24/7 wood smoke in my neighbourhood is no good for my health.

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