"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Hume Plastics to Diesel Factory Update

Hume Plastics to Diesel Factory Update

Representatives of the Tuggeranong Community Council attended a couple of public meetings held in Tuggeranong on the 6th and 7th March to give an opportunity for the community to talk to the panel of health and environmental experts who has been appointed to look at the health and other impacts of the proposed Plastics to Diesel factory at Hume.  While the idea of recycling has merit the people who attended the meeting were concerned this is an unproven technology that it was proposed to go too close to the residential areas of Gilmore and Macarthur.

The community was very vocal about a large variety of concerns.  The panel assured us that they would be looking into the validity of these concerns and would report back to the ACT Government.

For further information, look at www.planning.act.gov.au

If you want to make further comment, look at FOYInquiryPanel@act.gov.au

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