At our last meeting, we had two developers tell us about their plans to build several hundred residential units in South Quay opposite Bunnings. There will also be commercial premises on Anketell St. The TCC hopes they will succeed in selling the units. We need more people living closer to the Town Centre to breathe new life into it. The Land Development Agency has sold another three blocks at South Quay so we can expect to shortly hear what the developers who have bought these blocks are proposing. It should include some form of restaurant on the Lake’s edge which will be very welcome.
The Canberra Times last week published the results of its on-line survey on the Light Rail project. A total of about 6,000 people across all regions of Canberra responded. 54% were not in favour at all and 59% were not in favour of the route. Not surprisingly, almost 70% of the almost 1,000 Tuggeranong residents who responded were not in favour of the project. About 60% of respondents from Weston Creek, Woden Valley, Belconnen and Inner South were not in favour. 52% of Gungahlin residents and 53% of Inner North respondents were in favour. Regardless of these results, the Government intends awarding a construction contract some time in 2016. The TCC has urged them to wait until after the 2016 election. This will allow Canberra voters to give them a mandate to proceed – or not. Minister Corbell intends publicly releasing the updated Business Case on 31st October. The TCC hopes it will contain an estimate of how much the Govt expects to pay the PPP contractor every year once the trams start rolling. This will allow all Canberrans to form a view on whether this project is affordable and is the key piece of financial information that the Government should make known before any contract is signed.
The annual Tuggeranong Festival is to be held in the Town Centre Park on 21/22/23 November. The new Director, Stewart Thompson and his committee have put together an exciting new format so make sure you mark it on your calendar and help us celebrate living in Tuggeranong by attending the Festival. Google Tuggeranong Festival to get more information from their website.
Our final public meeting for 2014 will on Tuesday 4th November upstairs in the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club starting at 7.30pm. Our guest speaker is Shane Rattenbury, the sole Greens MLA in the Assembly. Shane shoulders the portfolios of TAMS, Corrections, Housing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and Sport and Recreation and is keen to hear your views. I hope to see you there.
Eric Traise, President
>> The TCC has urged them to wait until after the 2016 election. This will allow Canberra voters to give them a mandate to proceed – or not. <<
This already happened in the lead up to the 2012 election when labor first announced their policy: