Another year is almost over and I hope the TCC Committee has been able to deliver a useful service in keeping you up to date on the issues that affect us all, and an opportunity to have your views heard.
We are always open to hearing your suggestions on topics and guest speakers you would like to hear at our monthly meetings. We are planning our guest speaker program for 2015 now so please send me your wish list. There’s lots happening, both positive and negative, so we need to keep on top of it and try to influence the outcomes for the benefit of all Tuggeranong residents.
I’m still very concerned about the ongoing cost of living increases and the increasing number of our fellow residents who are having trouble making ends meet. The TCC will continue to do everything we can to stop increases that result from higher ACT Government fees and charges. I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave to stop increases in our utility bills but at least we can support those who are trying to bring about the changes that will help.
Our first meeting for 2015 is on Tuesday 3rd February, in the upstairs formal dining room at the Southern Cross Club in Greenway. Dr Karen McPherson is our guest speaker and she will be talking about the new Erindale Community Garden.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, I’d like to wish you all a very happy and safe Xmas and I hope to see you all next year. I’m looking forward to it and I hope you are too.
Eric Traise