The community councils of the ACT and the Jerrabomberra Residents Association (JRA) undertook a preview of Stage Two of the new Canberra Airport Terminal on 15 January 2013. The tour was hosted by Canberra Airport General Manager, Stephen Byron. The new terminal, that will also cater for international flights, officially opens in March 2013 during Canberra’s centenary celebrations.
Canberra Airport General Manager, Stephen Byron, guides community council and JRA representatives through stage two of the new terminalACT community council and JRA representatives inspect what will become the international lounge as part of stage two of the new Canberra Airport Terminal.
ACT community council and JRA representatives inspect the stage two of the new Canberra Airport Terminal.The main feature of the new Canberra Airport Terminal is a large glassed atrium.
Thousands of marble floor tiles are being laid in the Atrium.
The courtyard to stage two of the new Canberra Airport Terminal