Max Flint was elected Treasurer of the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) in 2013 and re-elected in the position in 2014. He is married to Beverley, who is the Public Officer for the TCC. Most of his family resides in Canberra, including in Tuggeranong. Max has a diploma in electrical engineering from RMIT and a Master of Science (Logistics Management with Distinction) from USAF Institute of Technology. He served over 28 years in the RAAF, including six years as an instrument fitter apprentice and engineering student and 22 years as a commissioned avionics engineering officer, finishing with rank of Group Captain. His RAAF career included responsibilities for avionics workshops for several aircraft types, as resident engineer for acquisition of a major aircraft simulator, as developer of aircraft maintenance and logistics policy and as production manager at an aircraft overhaul depot. His service included some three years on overseas postings, mainly in France and the USA and he is a graduate of the Joint Services Staff Course (JSSC). After leaving the RAAF, he was a public servant for 13 years, as an Engineer 4 and 5 – seven years involved in defence industry policy and six years as a director of major capital Defence projects. This was followed by 15 years as a private acquisition and logistics consultant on major capital defence-related projects, working with either Defence or international industry, one particular specialty being in life cycle costing of major projects. In 1991 he was to take up position with BHP as Logistics Manager for the Very Fast Train project, but the venture did not proceed. Max is also a member of the Alliance Francaise of Canberra governing Committee, of which he was treasurer for some seven years. He holds the French Government equivalent of a Year 12 certificate in French (Diplôme approfondi de langue française (D.A.L.F) and, for several years, tutored French embassy staff in English. On other occasions, he has been called upon to translate substantial documents into English.