Below is a copy of a letter from TCC Vice President, Colin Petrie, to the Editor of the Canberra Times following an article that appeared on page 2 of the Canberra Times on Monday 16 August 2010. The article alleged that TCC members were rude, intimidating and had bullied ACTPLA staff at a recent public meeting. The TCC has sent the letter to the Editor of the Canberra Times on 16 August and again on 19 August. To date the TCC’s response has not appeared.
The original Canberra Times article: Tuggeranong forum boycott
The letter:
Letter to the Editor, Canberra Times
Monday 16 August 2010
Dear Editor,
Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) members are surprised by suggestions that they were rude, intimidating and had bullied guests from ACTPLA who addressed a recent public meeting organised by the TCC.
I chaired the meeting that was called at the request of ACTPLA to discuss the Eastern Broadacre Study. It was attended by TCC members, Liberal MLA for Brindabella, Brendan Smyth, a journalist from the Southside Chronicle, a newspaper photographer and members of the general public. In all, about 60 people attended the meeting.
In my opinion and the opinion of those canvassed, including Mr Smyth and the Chronicle journalist, the meeting was well conducted, questions were well framed, firm and came from a well informed audience comprising of members and visitors. At no time did I witness anyone being bullied or intimidated. Neither did I see anyone stood over or harassed during the meeting by a TCC member or a visitor.
To avoid any such incidents the TCC enforces a Code of Conduct that all members and visitors are required to adhere to during all meetings.
If an incident took place after the meeting, outside the venue and involved a visitor, the TCC has no control over that. Never-the-less, the TCC will extend an apology if it is provided with evidence.
The public meeting was video recorded by the TCC and photographs were taken by the newspaper photographer. Therefore, the TCC invites the ACTPLA to assist it in identifying the person or persons allegedly involved in unacceptable behaviour towards its staff and to assist us in determining if it was initiated by a member of the TCC or the general public.
Meanwhile, the TCC will work to maintain its positive relationship with ACTPLA.
Colin Petrie
Vice President
Tuggeranong Community Council