Happy New Year and welcome to 2010.
I expect a busy year ahead for the Tuggeranong Community Council as we deal with issues that impact on our community and work to build a strong, positive, inclusive and effective voice for Tuggeranong residents. I also want to build a council that is run by its members and one that works hand-in-hand with other community organisations and groups. To this end we will begin 2010 with the launch of the new TCC committee structure at our first meeting for year on Thursday 4th February. The new structure is designed to give members a greater role in the running of the Council and in the decision making process. I believe this structure will go a long way in improving our links with government, other community organisations and Tuggeranong residents.
Committees have been formed covering areas of environment, transport, planning and community services. Current and new Council members are invited to join one or more of the committees to add their expertise to the function of the TCC. I expect each committee will be small in number as they start out but I hope they will grow in membership as more and more people come onboard. The new TCC is always looking for people who can contribute to their community through their interest and experience.
One issue that drew the attention of the TCC over the Christmas/New Year period was the proposed residential development at South Tralee. While South Tralee is not within the TCC’s borders of concern we are concerned about the impact this development may have on Tuggeranong residents. The TCC added its weight to the debate over Tralee in the form of a submission to Queanbeyan City Council. Our submission included results from an on-line survey of Tuggeranong residents. Residents were invited to participate in the survey by visiting the TCC website and answering a series of questions about the proposed Tralee development. The survey was conducted over the Christmas/New Year period when the community’s mind was on family festivities. As a result the total number of respondents was small. Nevertheless, the comments from those who participated in the survey were loud and clear; they do not support the construction of homes at Tralee because they are concerned that it will lead to Canberra Airport flight paths being relocated over Tuggeranong. Many respondents also expressed concern that the development would lead to a substantial increase in the volume of traffic on an already congested Monaro Highway. The survey results can be accessed by visiting the TCC’s new website at www.tuggcc.wordpress.com
The ACT Government recently announced it is progressing plans for a new Southern Cemetery and Crematorium with another round of public consultation. Many Tuggeranong residents recognise the need for a new Cemetery in Canberra’s south and the TCC encourages residents to participate in the consultation process. In supporting community consultation on this issue the TCC has invited representatives from the ACT Government’s Public Cemeteries Authority to address our first meeting for 2010. You are welcome to join us at this meeting on Thursday 4th February commencing at 7.30pm at the Vikings Club Town Centre Tuggeranong.
Darryl Johnston
President, Tuggeranong Community Council