"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
ACTPLA – Eastern Broadacre Planning Study

ACTPLA – Eastern Broadacre Planning Study

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ACTPLA (ACT Planning and Land Authority) presented last Thursday 12 August, on the Eastern Broadacre Planning Project.
More details are available from ACTPLA’s website: ACTPLA’s webpage on the Eastern Broadacre Planning Project

The Eastern Broadacre Study covers the future development of the eastern half of the ACT from Hume in the south to Majura in the north inlcuding Symonston and the Jerrabomberra Valley. This large area has been identified as a future employment corridor with the development of light industrial, commercial, tourist and transport related activities.

The TCC believes the Eastern Broadacre Study has major implications for the Tuggeranong Valley.

Listen to the interview between ABC 666 Canberra’s Genevieve Jacobs and TCC’s representative about the Eastern Broadacre Planning Project and the TCC’s special meeting

You can have your say by emailing: easternbroadacre@act.gov.au
Please consider copying us on your correspondence so we may include it in our submission.


  1. Susan Penn-Turrall

    I came to hear about the EBS – instead I was treated to an hour and a half of the government trying to whitewash and confuse the issue by telling me that Canberra’s economic growth has been sustained by the building companies and that this was about the government’s desire to release land quickly for affordable housing ! Has Mr Dawes not read the EBS? Clearly not his ballywick – if he had read it, he would realise that this is about the industrialisation of a huge swath of land closest to the existing residential areas in Tuggeranong, that it will add an enormous pool of pollution to the proposed privately owned gas fired power station in the area, the areotropolis, the frieght hub, the crematorium and the warehouses and heavy industry along the Manaro Highway. But no, the representative said – we are saving land in the north for a reserve – so what are you worried about?

  2. Gina Pinkas

    Susan is absolutely correct about the issue of heavy industry planned for the southern end of the study area at Hume. When ACTPLA presented to Woden Valley Community Council I noticed the land reserved for heavy industry (polluting) was the land closest to residential areas ie Farrer (where I live) and North eastern Tuggeranong. When I raised this as an issue and pointed out by designating that area as heavy industry there woudl be a cumulative polluting effect (from each development) on the residents in that region and why not elsewhere for heavy industry like Fyshwick. The response was “we can’t have it in Fyshwick as that is predominantly retail” Since when and why not retain it a heavy industry and move retail development elsewhere?. Secondly are we south eastern residents less important than grass lands? Comments on the study close on 17 October. I urge all concerned residents to comment to ACTPLA

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