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Recent DAs for Tuggeranong

PlanningAlertsTuggeranong Community Council (TCC) use Planning Alerts, by the charity OpenAustralia Foundation, to provide details of development applications that are notified publicly by the ACT Environment and Planning Directorate – Planning. You can have Planning Alerts send you an email on development applications in your area.

The latest public Environment and Planning Directorate – Planning notifications can also be accessed from their site. The following is an extract of the public applications selected by TCC that principally relate to the Tuggeranong area or have an impact on Tuggeranong Valley or its residents; the extract may not be complete and does not contain development applications that are not publicly notified – note there may be some presentation overlap with Farrer and Torrens.

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The latest 15 DA’s for General Tuggeranong Area

Address: UNIT1 - 71 Clare Dennis Avenue , Gordon, ACT

Development Application: 202443604

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Seeking retrospective approval for carport conversion in to habitable space, garage and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-03-07

Address: 6 Wiburd Street, Banks, ACT

Development Application: 202543784

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Retrospective approval for metal garage and roofed outdoor area, partial demolition of the existing dwelling and alterations and additions including second storey additions, new external door and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-03-05

Address: 115 O'connor Circuit, Calwell, ACT

Development Application: 202443551

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR GARAGE - Construction of a garage, mailbox relocation, driveway widening and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-03-03

Address: Rowland Rees Crescent, Athllon Drive, Soaward Driv, Greenway, ACT

Development Application: 202543805

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO CARPARK - Demolition of external smoking area, external bike storage shed and tree removal, relocation of the bicycle spaces and 14 car spaces, landscaping, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-28

Address: 23 Meredith Circuit, Kambah, ACT

Development Application: 202442760

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA202442760-S205B. Amendment to the development application for alterations and additions to an existing residence, demolition of existing upper floor deck and pergola, construction of new upper and lower floor deck and pergolas. - The amendment is to reduce privacy screen and add glass balustrade, lower level pergola deleted and fixed awning added, balustrade wire changes and timber screen added.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-19

Address: 33 Ellerston Avenue, Isabella Plains, ACT

Development Application: 202543787

Desecription: Planning act 2023 - proposal for lease variation to permit a secondary residence.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-19

Address: 53 Fincham Crescent, Wanniassa, ACT

Development Application: 202443719

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Demolition of existing window, pavers/paths, tree removal, construction of a detached dwelling extension with deck, pergola, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-12

Address: 90 Boddington Crescent, Kambah, ACT

Development Application: 202443670

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR MULTI-UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of three 2 storey dwellings, attached garages, tree removal, driveway/verge crossing, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to vary the Crown lease to permit three (3) dwellings.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-03

Address: 5 Barritt Street, Kambah, ACT

Development Application: 202443594

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Demolition of the shed and water tank, construction of a single storey extension to the existing dwelling, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-03

Address: 8 De Lacy Place, Chisholm, ACT

Development Application: 202443558

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY - demolition of pavers and tree removal, construction of a new one storey dwelling with carport in addition to existing dwelling to form a dual occupancy, new carport for existing dwelling, landscaping, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-03

Address: 84 Beasley Street, Torrens, ACT

Development Application: 202443647

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Demolition of the existing dwelling and associated structures, construction of a new two storey dwelling with attached double garage, alfresco, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-01-31

Address: 15 Leggatt Street, Wanniassa, ACT

Development Application: 202443632

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS - Demolition of existing pavement, tree removal, construction of detached and attached dwelling extensions, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-01-24

Address: 9 Ironbark Crescent, Banks, ACT

Development Application: 202443616

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - demolition of existing carport, shed, deck, pergola and construction of new two storey dwelling in addition to the existing residence to form a dual occupancy with attached garage, carport, courtyard wall, storage shed, driveway works, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to permit second dwelling.
Comment closure date: 2025-01-23

Address: 34,36 Mcbryde Crescent, Wanniassa, ACT

Development Application: 202443550

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To consolidate blocks 5 and 13 section 117 Wanniassa.
Comment closure date: 2025-01-21

Address: 30 Gluyas Street, Farrer, ACT

Development Application: 202443577

Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a new two storey dwelling with attached garage, swimming pool, new driveway, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-01-16