"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
TCC Presents report June 2015

TCC Presents report June 2015

Welcome everybody.  It is good to see you out on such a cold night. It is with sadness that I reflect that it was this time last year that Alison Ryan, a dedicated TCC member died last year.  In memory of Alison, her children Chloe and Liam put on a Cancer Morning Tea on the 16 May, to which I an a number of the TCC attended.  It was a great success with over a 100 people attending.

It has been an eventful month with the Government making two pre election announcements about Tuggeranong. The first announcement was the mention of $10.5 million for a CIT Campus to be built in Tuggeranong. The Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) has been lobbying for this for a number of years and is thrilled to hear money will be committed and something is finally happening. The training centre will boost the local town centre and make a great difference for many Tuggeranong students. We are also hoping this facility will also have the capacity to provide some distance education facilities, which could be used by students from our universities and other CIT campuses to enable them do part of their studies closer to home.

The second announcement was approx $24 million to duplicate Ashely Drive, something we spoke about last meeting. While it does not go all the way that we might like it to, it will be of great benefit to many of our Tuggeranong Commuters.

The Executive has also met with Adrian Brown who is working to start up a group that could promote events and activities in the Tuggeranong Community.  He mentioned some ideas, which we felt could be promoted by us and suggested he might like to form a special sub committee of the TCC to look at promoting such events. We look forward to his participation and involvement in working with us to promote the Tuggeranong area. I would also like to remind people again that there are a number of TCC subcommittees that you might like to join:  Environment, the Health and Community, the Planning and Development and Transport. Please feel free to sign up at the back table.

We have a packed agenda tonight so lets get on with it.

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