On Wednesday, 15th June, 2016 a full day coach trip was organised by the Hindmarsh Group for seniors who had attended the recent Retirement Expo at Woden Southern Cross Club. Seniors who had booked this tour enjoyed and interesting day of inspecting three retirement villages in various stages of development (Bellerive (Woden), Isabella Gardens, (Isabella Plains) and The Grove (Ngunnawal) . A visit to the site office of Marigal Gardens (Kambah) was to inspect the site office and area for this soon to start first stage. The Hindmarsh (Sydney) staff and the staff at all the villages were most informative and the tour group (approx 45) enjoyed a day of lovely morning tea, lunch a two afternoon teas throughout the day provided by the villages.
TCC was represented by Beverley Flint who recommends the tour for seniors who are interested in research of Retirement Villages in the ACT for the future years as this tour is all about inspecting the variety of accommodation that is available. Beverley Flint (Public Officer, Second Vice President)