After such a long hot spell, the recent downpours have been very welcome for most of us. Tuggeranong topped the region getting about 75mm in a few hours last week and hasn’t it freshened and greened up our suburbs. On the downside , the rubbish in our drains gets washed into the waterways ending up in Lake Tuggeranong . With the annual Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 2nd March, the TCC and Tuggeranong Lake Carer’s Group will be doing our bit to help clean up around the Lake. We’ll be based at the Scout Hall, Mortimer-Lewis Drive East Greenway from 10am to 1pm. Why not join us. Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday 4th March upstairs in Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club at 7.30pm. We have two guest speakers. Linda Kohlhagen, Exec Director Rehab, Aged and Community Care will talk about the newly refurbished Tuggeranong Community Health Centre and Danny O’Neill of the Richmond Fellowship will talk about ‘At Risk’ youth in Canberra. The meeting is open to the public so come along and hear about some of the things that are happening in Tuggeranong.
Mr President
Thank you for an interesting meeting. It is good to see the TCC meetings conducted more professionally now you have taken over. The guest speakers have also been interesting.