The West Greenway (Thompson) Community Panel Meeting was held on the 27th July, 2016. The Panel had representatives from environmental groups, community and recreational organisations, Tuggeranong Community Council and local business. The community panel was chaired by Dr David Shorthouse from the ANU.
Terms of Reference and a Work Plan Agreement was agreed by the Panel. Participants commented on and expressed their concerns about the proposal that has been put forward by the ACT Government.
Their concerns included:
- Impact on the river corridor and surrounding environment and wildlife.
- Impact on community and recreation assets already located in the area; including any need to relocate, traffic impacts and security impacts of more people in the area.
- Understanding, identifying and valuing “Indigenous and European heritage and culture” in the area.
- Apparent conflict between development in this area and the aspirations of other ACT Government policies and initiatives, such as healthy lifestyle, sport and recreation, urban infill and the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
- Water quality of the river and stormwater management in the area.
- The importance of positive investment in Tuggeranong to generate economic benefits.
- The need for more housing options in the Tuggeranong Valley
The next meeting of the Panel will include a discussion on the actions required to achieve an outcome that will meet the correct requirements for any future plans for the region of West Greenway.