COTA (Council on the Ageing) ACT invites you to our Mini-Expo, ‘Saving Energy, Reducing your Bills and Going Greener’
‘Saving energy, reducing your bills and going greener’ is a FREE mini-expo providing information and advice to older people living in the ACT who want to learn how keep their energy costs down in an environment of rising prices, find ways to reduce their energy use, or become more environmentally sustainable. The event is part of ACT Seniors’ Week (14th to 22nd March) and will be held from 10.30 to 12.30pm on Thursday 19 March 2015 in the Hughes Community Centre Hall, Hughes, Canberra. It will include short presentations from the ACT Government Outreach Energy and Water Efficiency Program, SEE-Change ACT & ACTEW/AGL, with plenty of time for questions. You’ll also be able to get one-on-one information and advice from a range of energy advice services and commercial providers. And – of course! –refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend but transport might be a problem, please call Jane at COTA ACT and we may be able to assist. Please rsvp to Jane Thomson at or call COTA ACT on 6282 3777.