Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) use Planning Alerts, by the charity OpenAustralia Foundation, to provide details of development applications that are notified publicly by the ACT Environment and Planning Directorate – Planning. You can have Planning Alerts send you an email on development applications in your area.
The latest public Environment and Planning Directorate – Planning notifications can also be accessed from their site. The following is an extract of the public applications selected by TCC that principally relate to Greenway or have an impact on Tuggeranong Valley or its residents; the extract may not be complete and does not contain development applications that are not publicly notified.
Address: Rowland Rees Crescent, Athllon Drive, Soaward Driv, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202543805 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO CARPARK - Demolition of external smoking area, external bike storage shed and tree removal, relocation of the bicycle spaces and 14 car spaces, landscaping, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2025-02-28
Address: 66 Rowland Rees Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202342685 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - partial demolition of the existing commercial building, 2 bowling greens, kerbs, carpark, landscape, relocation of 1 bowling green, internal alterations to existing building including new addition, construction of new shade structure, carpark, pedestrian crossing, drop off area, pick-up zone, signage, ramp, bicycle racks, stairs, retaining wall, adjustments to existing internal road, carpark, landscape, changes to façade works, landscaping and associated works
Comment closure date: 2024-11-21
Address: 219 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202443459 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SIGNAGE - removal of the existing signage and the construction of new signage on existing commercial building.
Comment closure date: 2024-12-02
Address: 216 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202443296 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Partial demolition of the existing building, internal alterations to ground and upper floor, construction of new outdoor play areas, play equipment, upper floor façade alterations, new deck, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2024-10-22
Address: 269 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202239837 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA202239837 S205B. Amendment to the development application for construction of new carports over the existing carparking, demolition of existing landscaping areas, additional carparks, landscaping and associated works.The amendment is for new footings for posts adjacent existing building and new roof sheeting to extand existing roof-building line.
Comment closure date: 2024-08-13
Address: 175 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202443053 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR SIGNAGE - Installation of internal LCD sign and associated works
Comment closure date: 2024-07-08
Address: 39 Pitman Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202342224 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA202342224-S205C. Amendment to the development application for partial demolition, extension and internal alterations to the ground level of the existing commercial building, new exhaust risers, acoustic screening, signage and associated works. Lease variation to increase the maximum GFA to 4,355m2 and to reduce minimum number of car parking spaces to 153 - the amendment is to provide updated plans for changes to kids play area, skylight, planter, footer, and kerb, and increase to Ground Floor Area.
Comment closure date: 2024-10-17
Address: 305 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341976 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MIXED USE COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing buildings and structures, construction of two buildings consisting of 299 residential dwellings, six serviced apartments, one commercial unit, three basements parking levels, new verge crossing/driveways, tree relocation/removal, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to increase maximum number of units allowed for serviced apartments to 15, increase the maximum number of units allowed for multi-unit housing to 431, add shop as permitted use and stratum subdivision of block into 2 separate leases with multiple stratum blocks.
Comment closure date: 2023-10-30
Address: 1 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341992 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: AMENDMENT TO DA202341992-S144A PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO INDOOR RECREATION FACILITY. Amendment to development application for Demolition of creche/play area and bike parking, extention to eastern side of building, new warm water pool, creche/play area, external ramp, car parking, bike racks, tree removal and planting, landscaping and associated works which is still under consideration - the amendment is to increase area of pool plant room, and update to plans to reflect the increase and the overall ground floor area (GFA).
Comment closure date: 2023-09-22
Address: 200 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341983 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2007-AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA202341983-S197A. Amendment to the development application for installation of new underground 11kV cable and conduits from the Wanniassa Zone Substation to future electric bus charging infrastructure at the Tuggeranong Bus Depot and associated works - The amendment is to reposition a portion of feeder alignment by approximately 350m and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2024-05-16
Address: 210 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341592 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - To vary the Crown lease by increasing the gross floor area permitted to be used for educational establishment by 20 square metres to 470 square metres.
Comment closure date: 2023-06-14
Address: 43 Pitman Street, Holwell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202240233 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR FENCE - construction of a new steel fence to enclose the existing courtyard and garden area on block 15, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2023-06-19
Address: 205 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341561 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - partial demolition of the existing commercial building, internal alterations to ground floor to include a foyer/reception area, alterations to levels 2-4 to include the addition of commercial accommodation units, signage and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2023-06-06
Address: 310 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341517 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS TO COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT- Facade upgrades to existing building and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2023-04-26
Address: 205 Anketell Street, Reed Street North, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202341487 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR LEASE VARIATION - To add commercial accommodation use excluding motel and tourist resort to the purpose clause.
Comment closure date: 2023-05-08
Address: 305 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202240268 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR A NEW CHILDCARE CENTRE AND MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT- Partial demolition of existing building, alterations and additions including internal separation and fit out works of the building into a child-care centre and 12-unit serviced apartments, changes to façade including colour, addition of windows and doors, child-care centre outdoor area and equipment, landscaping, car parking and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-08-26
Address: 62 Athllon Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202239951 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR CARPORTS - construction of 2 new steel framed carports to cover the existing car park and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-08-22
Address: 200 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202240249 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - construction of a new rooftop plant enclosure, screening and associated works
Comment closure date: 2022-08-03
Address: 398 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202240242 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR NEW DOUBLE STOREY INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - demolition of existing surfaces and structures, construction of a double storey industrial building, retaining walls, landscaping and paving, and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-08-05
Address: 210 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202239759 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - demolition of the existing awnings and installation of new 3-tiered metal awnings, upgrade to the existing façade, new pergolas, construction of new play area, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-05-09
Address: 245 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202240206 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - To vary the Crown lease to remove the number of accessible car parking spaces authorised.
Comment closure date: 2022-07-04
Address: 255 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202239801 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - partial demolition of the existing dwelling, internal renovations and extension of the existing gross floor area, removal of existing container and 3 parking spaces to create ease of access, 12 new carparking spaces, outdoor lighting and civil works, new stormwater, verge works, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-03-09
Address: 28 Oakden Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202139516 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Upgrade and maintenance to the existing carpark, including construction of extension, demolition of carports and storage sheds to promote ease of access, civil works, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-01-28
Address: 12 Ellison Harvie Close, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202139309 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - construction of 42 new dwellings comprising 14 street side apartments in a three storey building with basement carparking, 12 two storey townhouses with attached garages facing the street, 16 two storey townhouses lakeside with attached garages, new driveways, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2021-11-05
Address: 12 Ellison Harvie Close, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202138518 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI-UNIT DEVELOPEMT - Construction of 40 residential dwellings associated parking, landscaping, tree removal and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2021-06-07
Address: Ellison Harvie Close, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037677 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI-UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - Construction of 30 new apartments with basement car parking to be used as supportive housing, landscaping, tree removal and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2021-02-26
Address: 175 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037631 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE OF USE OF BUILDING - To change the use of the ground floor of the existing building to educational establishment.
Comment closure date: 2021-02-16
Address: Mortimer Lewis Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201834546 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA201834546. Amendment to the development application for multi unit development - the amendment includes: changes to visitor parking, footpath, courtyard wall, and retaining wall; modification to courtyards of Units 15 to 20 and increase size of windows from Unit 18 to 20; increasing the size of the gallery/living area for Unit 13; alteration to entries from Unit 6 to 11; adding a window to Unit 12 and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2020-11-13
Address: 223 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037434 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - partial demolition of the existing commercial building, alterations and additions to the existing commercial building, refurbish the existing training facility, converting the existing carport to a new training facility, a new radio workshop, additional shade structure and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2020-10-20
Address: 151 Oakden Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037421 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION + Construction of a new residential building up to eight storeys comprising 146 units, two levels of basement car parking, landscaping and associated works. Lease variation to add residential use limited to 146 dwellings and to remove the GFA clause and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2020-09-16
Address: 272 Reed Street South, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037461 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - To vary the lease by adding business agency as a permitted use and removing the words 'and the sale of food' from the shop use.
Comment closure date: 2020-08-26
Address: 478 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 202037432 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Alterations and additions to the existing South Building, new west faade, existing window frame repainting, new landscaping, covered walkway and modification of existing car park and tree removal.
Comment closure date: 2020-08-26
Address: 210 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201936364 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - To vary the lease by adding educational establishment limited to a maximum of 450sqm as a permitted use.
Comment closure date: 2019-12-11
Address: 145 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201935806 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING BUILDING - alterations of building including changes to doorways, conversion of existing subfloor area to proposed amenities and storage facilities and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2019-08-26
Address: 5 Cynthea Teague Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201935505 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING BUILDING - proposal for additions including construction of a new mezzanine level and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2019-07-01
Address: 267 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201935494 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Alterations and additions to existing KFC building, including alterations to signage, drive-thru facilities, parking and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2019-06-04
Address: Drakeford Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201834855 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - construction of 150 two storey townhouses, attached and detached garages, car ports and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2018-12-21
Address: 248 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201833960 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Alterations to include new End of Trip facility in existing development and associated works. LEASE VARIATION - Increase gross floor area by 406sqm.
Comment closure date: 2018-08-06
Address: 286 Reed Street South, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201833596 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION to remove from the Crown lease purpose clause the gross floor area limitation on existing uses.
Comment closure date: 2018-05-03
Address: 210 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201732570 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Alterations and additions to the existing commercial building including upgrade to existing facade, new signage and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2017-10-17
Address: 416 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201732305 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR TELCOMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE - Installation of underground conduits with fiber optic cables and telecommunication pits.
Comment closure date: 2017-10-10
Address: 142 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201732134 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR COFFEE SHOP - Proposal for coffee shop fitout and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2017-09-22
Address: 34 Oakden Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731587 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR 12 STOREY MIXED USE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, LEASE VARIATION & SUBDIVISION including Amendments S144A and S144B - Construction of mixed use development comprising of 4 commercial tenancies, 332 dwellings, basement car parking and associated works. Vary Crown lease to permit a maximum of 580 dwellings across the entire site, subdivision of the site into numerous stratum blocks. The amendments include reconfiguration and reduction in number of units and removal of signage.
Comment closure date: 2017-09-08
Address: Corner Drakeford Drive & Mortimer Lewis Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201732193 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - construction of 25 new two storey dwellings, undercover parking, landscaping and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2017-08-30
Address: 1 Rowland Rees Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731955 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT & LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing metal building and construction of 154 new dwellings with car parking, verge and associated works. Vary lease purpose clause 3(a) to delete the existing use and substitute it with residential use for a maximum of 154 dwellings, delete clause 3(aa), delete the maximum gross floor area.
Comment closure date: 2017-08-18
Address: 15 Limburg Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731864 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION to delete from the purpose clause the uses of Club, drink establishment and indoor entertainment facility.
Comment closure date: 2017-07-24
Address: 222 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731698 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - Vary purpose clause to reduce the minimum gross floor area used for shop and personal services from 500m2 to 100m2.
Comment closure date: 2017-07-10
Address: 228 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731699 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR NEW CHILDCARE CENTRE & LEASE VARIATION - Construction of a new 120 place childcare centre in existing building and associated works. Vary Crown lease to permit child care centre as a use.
Comment closure date: 2017-07-05
Address: Lake Shores & Lake Tuggeranong, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731304 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - creation of four blocks intended for future multi unit development with a maximum yield of 212 dwellings; associated access road, services, verge works, landscaping and a boardwalk and pedestrian bridge over Lake Tuggeranong.
Comment closure date: 2017-05-17
Address: 8 Limburg Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731378 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION to permit community use EXCLUDING hospital on the ground floor of the building/s facing Ankertell Street.
Comment closure date: 2017-05-16
Address: 170 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201731155 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DEVELOPMENT - removal of existing slabs to expose both existing tank farm and proposed tank farm locations, removal of 6 existing physical tanks located under the existing canopy, together with old piping and dispensers, installation of 2 new physical tanks located in an adjacent area alongside the existing tank farm, together with new piping and dispensers, introduction of a Class 1 Oily Water Separator adjacent the proposed tank farm to take spills and storm water from the connect customer dispenser area together with the tanker fill point prior to discharge to the storm water network serving the site, reinstate slabs and dispensers on completion, commission and bring back into service.
Comment closure date: 2017-05-09
Address: 424 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201630897 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATION AND ADDITION TO EXISTING BUILDING - addition of new air lock, lift and foyer, landscaping work to street fronts and interior refurbishment.
Comment closure date: 2017-03-01
Address: 288 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201630894 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR CHILDCARE CENTRE - construction of childcare centre with associated signage, landscaping, car park, playgrounds and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2017-02-07
Address: 183 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201630611 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - partial demolition of the existing commercial building, alterations and additions to the existing commercial building, signage and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2017-01-18
Address: Corner Of Oakden St, Cynthea Teague Cres & Anketell St, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201630398 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA201630398 - Amendment to the development application for SUB DIVISION & LEASE VARIATION - construction of 3 new multi storey buildings containing a total of 222 units with basement car parking, landscaping and associated works. Subdivision of the Crown lease and variation to amend the public access easement provisions and to add minor use to the permitted uses in the lease - please see application form for description. - The amendment is to stage buldings and associated parking, changes to a number of parking spaces, GFA changes, storage cages removed/relocated, fire tanks removed, secondary fire escape stairs and gas detector panel added, column clad in lightweight panels to conceal lighting, development signage and associated works.
Comment closure date: 2022-06-17
Address: Corner Of Anketell Street And Cynthea Teague Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201629754 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-62 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed construction of 5 to 7 storey building. Consisting of 62 residential units, business agency/office and restaurant on ground level. Please see the application form for description of the lease variation.
Comment closure date: 2016-08-10
Address: 134 Reed Street North, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201629650 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL-ADDITIONS. Proposed alterations to existing building to include demolition of existing facade on level two and construction of new windows to match lower levels.
Comment closure date: 2016-07-11
Address: 39 Pitman Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201629541 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-ALTERATIONS-Proposed infill of existing terrace for Gym refurbishment.
Comment closure date: 2016-06-30
Address: 134 Reed Street North, Tuggeranong, ACT
View Development Application: 201528729 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION. Please see application for details.
Comment closure date: 2016-05-20
Address: 320 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201629055 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE-BASEMENT CARPARKING. Proposesd expansion of the existing Bunnings Warehouse; Lease variation - see application form for details.
Comment closure date: 2016-04-26
Address: Drakeford Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528805 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: SERVICES-GAS MAIN. Proposed re-alignment of an existing gas main.
Comment closure date: 2016-03-09
Address: Cynthea Teague Cres, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528747 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-COMMERCIAL-33 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Proposed mixed use development with a mix of 13 townhouses, 20 units and 2 commercial units.
Comment closure date: 2016-02-22
Address: Limburg Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528774 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-COMMERICAL-76 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed construction of a 6 story building and a four story building with basement car parking.
Comment closure date: 2016-01-20
Address: 75 De Little Circuit, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528700 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MULTI DWELLING-ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS. Proposed addition of a sunroom.
Comment closure date: 2016-01-20
Address: Rowland Rees Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528259 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MULTI DWELLING-175 UNIT DEVELOPMENT- STAGED DEVELOPMENT-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed development comprises of 144 apartments in 6/7 storey buildings with basement parking; 31 two storey Townhouses and extension of Rowland Rees Crescent. Please see the application form for details of the lease variation.
Comment closure date: 2015-11-04
Address: 288 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528218 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: Lease variation to add child care centre
Comment closure date: 2015-11-02
Address: 288 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528217 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION. Lease Variation-Please see application for details.
Comment closure date: 2015-11-02
Address: 288 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528219 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION. Lease Variation-Please see application for details.
Comment closure date: 2015-11-02
Address: 205 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528170 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - Please see the application form for a description
Comment closure date: 2015-10-07
Address: Cynthea Teague Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528233 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-COMMERCIAL-184 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed stage 2 development includes an 11 - 13 storey mixed use building containing 184 residential units and 3 commercial units at ground level, onsite carparking for 140 vehicles. Please see Application form for lease variation component.
Comment closure date: 2015-09-23
Address: Limburg Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201528079 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-6 STOREY-1 COMMERCIAL-54 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Proposed construction of a 6 storey building that will accommodate a commercial development on the ground floor and residential apartments above.
Comment closure date: 2015-08-14
Address: Isabella Weir, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201527832 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMUNITY FACILITY-ALTERATION. Proposed Isabella Weir Upgrade.
Comment closure date: 2015-07-17
Address: 220 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201527584 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-ACTION DEPOT-FUEL STORAGE. Proposed replacement of underground fuel tanks, new diesel unloading area, new tie to fuel dispensing system, relocation of existing car parking and other associated civil works.
Comment closure date: 2015-06-15
Address: Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201527288 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MIXED USE-COMMERCIAL-53 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Proposed two multi storey mixed use buildings (7 STOREY & 5 STOREY) consisting of two commercial units at ground floor level and 53 residential units in the upper floors levels over a common basement car park; associated landscape works, and awning encroachments over unleased land.
Comment closure date: 2015-05-29
Address: Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201527282 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MULTI DWELLING-176 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Proposed construction of a multi-storey residential building containing a total of 176 units and two car parking areas (within basement level car park and ground level car park) providing a total of 316 parking spaces; laneway works (Shared Access Easement).
Comment closure date: 2015-05-22
Address: 211 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201526950 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-DEMOLITION-ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS. Proposed demolition of existing stand alone buildings. Construction of additions to the existing building including; alteration of fascia; extensions to the existing workshop and parts area; construction of a new basement level for car parking and storage; roof top car park; realignment of internal driveway; and landscaping.
Comment closure date: 2015-03-17
Address: 150 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201426301 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - Lease Variation to units 93 to 174 to add commercial accommodation use limited to serviced apartments.
Comment closure date: 2014-11-24
Address: 38 Reed Street North, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201426406 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: Lease VARIATION -Please see the application form for details of the lease variation.
Comment closure date: 2014-11-19
Address: 207 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201426196 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - Please see the application form for details of the lease variation.
Comment closure date: 2014-11-07
Address: 60 Pine Island Road, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201426128 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: 16/46 GREENWAY-(BLOCK IDENTIFIER ONLY)-PUBLIC WORKS-ROAD-ROWLAND REES CRESCENT. Proposed extension of Rowland Rees Crescent from existing road to Soward Way, associated works include; 209 car parking spaces; 44 street trees; 2 sets of speed cushions; 'Shared Zone' signs; 1.5m footpath and street lighting.
Comment closure date: 2014-10-08
Address: 59 Grounds Crescent, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201425979 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MULTI DWELLING-ADDITIONS-UNIT 9. Proposed second storey addition and alterations to existing dwelling.
Comment closure date: 2014-08-20
Address: 149 Soward Way, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201425651 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL-SHELL COLES EXPRESS SERVICE STATION. Proposed forecourt drainage works and installation of hydrocarbon capture system (SPEL Puraceptor) to the existing service station.
Comment closure date: 2014-07-21
Address: 320 Anketell Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201425688 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL - BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE. Proposed construction of a driveway crossing on Oakden Street; modification of the car park including the removal of three (3) spaces; removal of two (2) street trees; installation of traffic control signage.
Comment closure date: 2014-07-16
Address: 250 Cowlishaw Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201324735 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMERCIAL - EXTERNAL WORKS TO EXISTING BUILDING. Proposed new finishes to facade, roof and gutting, new roof and gutting to existing awning, front and rear entrance canopies, new ground level tiling, upgrade of rear stairs, new signage, and rectification of existing planter box and new plantings to planter box.
Comment closure date: 2014-03-05
Address: 219 Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201324460 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: LEASE VARIATION - Please see application form for details.
Comment closure date: 2014-01-06
Address: No Address, Tuggeranong, ACT
View Development Application: 201323140 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: MAJOR UTILITY INSTALLATION-SOLAR FACILITY. Proposed construction of a 2MW solar farm; 11kV transmission line; substation; control and switch room; associated site works and landscaping.
Comment closure date: 2013-07-05
Address: No Address, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201222950 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Development of roads and services, construction of public domain spaces and the creation of 8 blocks.
Comment closure date: 2013-09-04
Address: 76 Athllon Drive, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201018183 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: NONR COMMERCIAL-LANDSCAPE WORKS. Proposed landscape works on existing block including carpark and courtyard.
Comment closure date: 2010-09-03
Address: No Address, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201017716 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: COMMUNITY FACILITY-HALL. Proposed construction of a new single storey community hall.
Comment closure date: 2010-06-28
Address: 14 Oakden Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201017180 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: Non Residential - Additions - Alterations. Demolition of existing storage area and awnings. Construction of new warehouse and covered storage area. New awnings to existing buildings, new gazebo and new electrical substation. Alterations to existing buildings including stripping out interiors and refits, extension with new toilets and tea room, alterations to external walls of existing buildings. Associated site works and public works.
Comment closure date:
Address: Scollay Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201017014 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: Lease Variation - To vary the existing purpose clause to add to the permitted use of vehicle sales the following uses: communications facility, community use EXCLUDING child care facility and hospital, indoor recreation facility LIMITED to gym/personal training, light industry and shop PROVIDED THAT supermarket and/or shop selling food shall be restricted to a maximum of 200 square metres to the permitted use of vehicle sales.
Comment closure date:
Address: No Address, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201016534 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: TUGGERANONG DOG TRAINING CLUB - LEASE VARIATION. To vary the Crown lease to remove the requirement that the lessee provide 30 drained and sealed carparking spaces in stage 1, remove the requirement for stage 2 to include a minimum of 50 spaces, reduce the minimum required number of carparking spaces to 100, and remove the requirement for an overflow car parking area
Comment closure date:
Address: No Address, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 201016504 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: Public Works - Addition - Performance Stage. Proposed installation of performance stage at Tuggeranong Town Park.
Comment closure date:
Address: 12 Joseland Street, Greenway, ACT
View Development Application: 200916272 (if still available)
Brief Desecription: NONR-COMMERCIAL-ADDITION/ALTERATION-SIGNAGE: Proposed addition to the existing bulky goods retail building to include additional storage and tenancy space of approximately 83m2; associated signage included to front and rear of building.
Comment closure date: