The ACT Government has set ambitious targets of reducing emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. So what does this mean for transport, energy use, buildings and waste treatment in the ACT? And what would a zero emissions future look like?
Dr Stephen Bygrave, Executive Director of the Climate Change and Sustainability division, will kick off the discussion with a short presentation on the ACT’s emission reduction journey so far and what it will take to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
Participants will then split into small groups to discuss:
- What are the top three actions the ACT Government should take to achieve net zero emissions and prepare for unavoidable climate change impacts?
- Is achieving true zero emissions (rather than net zero emissions) something we should aim for?
- How can we encourage reduction of emissions that are generated outside the ACT (such as emissions from the manufacture of goods)?
Please note that ideas from this Climate Cafe will be used to inform the ‘Blueprint for a Zero Emissions Territory – ACT’s Climate Strategy to 2050’ which is currently in development to guide the ACT’s transition to net zero emissions.
Find out more about the ACT’s emissions reduction and renewable electricity targets at www.environment.act.gov.au.
Date and Time
Mon. 31 July 2017
12:15 pm – 1:45 pm AEST
About the Speaker
Stephen is Executive Director, Climate Change and Sustainability in the Australian Capital Territory Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, with responsibility for the ACT’s 100% renewable energy target, net zero emissions by 2050 target, Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme, energy and waste policy, climate adaptation, Carbon Neutral Government as well as the Actsmart households, business and schools programs.
About Climate Café
Climate Café is a relaxed gathering of people interested in discussing ideas and questions on climate change and related topics. It cuts across disciplines, is inclusive, jargon-free and fun. The approach is modelled on dialogue events such as Café Philosophic and Café Scientifique.
Please note that it is almost impossible to find parking at ANU at this time of day – we advise using public transport, taxi, cycling or walking. If you have to drive, allow plenty of time to find a park and log into the online parking system which can be downloaded here. View visitor parking map
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