"Tuggeranong Community Council - Working with our community"
Category: <span>Planning and Environment</span>

TCC Submission into the ACT Government Review of Wood Smoke Education Programs

The Tuggeranong Community Council presented the following submission to the ACT Government’s Review of Word Smoke Education Programs. While the TCC supports a review it believes the ACT Government should also consider the experiences of other jurisdictions where anti wood smoke education programs have failed. The TCC believes that …

Talking Tuggeranong – An Issues Document

Talking Tuggeranong is an issues document that was developed by the Tuggeranong Community Council (TCC) Executive in consultation with Council members, other Tuggeranong residents, community groups and organisations. It details issues that concern Tuggeranong residents ranging from public transport, planning and development, environment and law …

Proposed Southern Cemetery – Discussion Paper and Community Consulation Program

The Tuggeranong Community Council encourages residents to participate in the ACT Government’s community consultation program on proposals for a new Southern Cemetery. A Discussion Paper has been prepared to address issues raised in earlier consultations with the community. It provides an outline of independent research …